Creating user, database and adding access on PostgreSQL (and automate the process)

If you’re a software developer, Postgresql will be the go-to database for most of the developers nowadays. if anyone wondering why so then head over to this comparison

In This Database How-to guide, we will learn, how to create db user, database and grant access to the user for the database created using psql cli too and we’ll also write a bash script to automate the whole process.

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Create User, Database and grant access to user

Postgresql comes with nice tools support, like psql, createdb, createuser etc.when you install Postgres on your machine it creates a user called Postgres with admin access to Postgres database.

we will start by switching the current user to postgres user

sudo su - postgres

after switching to postgres user, we can use commands like createdb and createuser. we will first create a user and then database using these commands.

# creates a new user
createuser my_pg_user

# creates a new database
createdb my_awesome_db

Now we will use psql command to give password to user. and granting privileges on the database we created.

# replace my_pg_user and hard_password
psql -c "alter user my_pg_user with encrypted password 'hard_password';"

# granting privileges
psql -c "grant all privileges on database my_awesome_db to  my_pg_user;"

Now, It’s time to test if all this steps worked correctly or not.

# replace dbname and db user
psql --host=localhost --dbname=my_awesome_db --username=my_pg_user

it will ask for password and boom, you will be taken to psql interactive shell.

Create Bash Script to automate process to setup new postgres DB


set -e


sudo su postgres <<EOF
createdb  $DB_NAME;
psql -c "grant all privileges on database $DB_NAME to $DB_USER;"
echo "Postgres User '$DB_USER' and database '$DB_NAME' created."

In the above script, you can pass user, database name, password as shell file arguments or you can also set default options.

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I hope this tutorial helped you to fasten your development process, if you have any queries or suggestions, please leave comment below or tag me on twitter.

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