In this titorial, you will learn about knex.js which is a SQL query builder which supports most of the SQL databases such as Mysql, Postgresql, sqlite etc. This Knex.js Tutorial will be beginner friendly with code examples so all users can benefit most from it.
Article Contents
Knex.js is a very popular Node.js SQL query builder with supports both callback and promise based coding styles, transaction with save points support for all major SQL databases with common api interface for all queries.
Many of the the ORM are built on top of it such as bookshelf.js, objection.js etc. Source code is available on Github under MIT license.
Knex.js initiation options
list of all the available options
- client – used to specify to db type (mysql, pg, sqlite etc)
- connection – this can be a DB connection string and object containing db host, port, pasword, user, db name config
- debug – boolean to show debug logs
- pool: { min: 0, max: 5 } – to pool db connections
- pool.afterCreate – callback fn after connection is created
- acquireConnectionTimeout – connection acquire timeout in ms
- migrations – object containing migrations related config such as table name
const { PG_HOST, PG_USER, PG_PASS, PG_DB } = process.env; const knex = require("knex")({ client: "pg", connection: { host: PG_HOST, user: PG_USER, password: PG_PASS, database: PG_DB, }, pool: { min: 0, max: 5, afterCreate: function (conn, done) { conn.query('SET timezone="UTC";', function (err) { if (err) { done(err, conn); } else { conn.query("SELECT set_limit(0.01);", function (err) { done(err, conn); }); } }); }, }, debug: true, acquireConnectionTimeout: 10000, migrations: { tableName: "migrations", }, });
Installation with DB specific drivers
as we already mentioned Knex.js supports multiple databases, below will see how to install knex.js with database specific node modules.
Mysql with knex.js
# install knex and mysql packages using npm npm install knex --save # mysql npm install mysql --save # or npm install mysql2 --save
same packages can be used with MariaDB also.
creating an knexjs instance with mysql
const knex = require('knex')({ client: 'mysql', connection: { host : MYSQL_HOST, user : MYSQL_USER, password : MYSQL_PASSWORD, database : MYSQL_DB_NAME, port: MYSQL_PORT || 3306 } }); // Note: here we are getting the Mysql credentials from process.env
Now we can use this instance to run all kinds of queries, which we will discuss below.
Postgresql with knex.js
Let’s install knex and pg client node modules
npm install knex --save # and npm install pg --save
creating knex.js instance with postgresql client.
const knex = require('knex')({ client: 'pg', connection: { host : PG_HOST, user : PG_USER, password : PG_PASSWORD, database : PG_DB_NAME, port: PG_PORT || 5432 } }); // we can also connect using connection string also const knex = = require('knex')({ client: 'pg', connection: PG_CONN_STR, }); // it supported for all databases, so you use whichever one you prefer.
Sqlite with Knex.js
installing knex with sqlite client
npm install knex --save # with npm install sqlite3 --save
creating knex client with sqlite file
const knex = require('knex')({ client: 'sqlite3', connection: { filename: SQLITE_FILE_PATH } });
Knex also supports mssql, oracledb, amazon redshift etc
initiating them is also same as above examples.
Knex.js Query Builder
Now we will see about SQL select, insert, update and delete queries with and without transcations and batch inserts etc
Select Queries
will start with some basic examples of sql select queries using knex.js
// select one user from users table where age is greater than 18 knex("users").where("age", ">", 18).first(); // filter users by multiple where columns knex("users") .where({ full_name: "Test User", is_boat: true, }) .select("id"); // select subquery const usersSubquery = knex("users") .where("age", ">", 18) .andWhere("is_deleted", false) .select("id"); knex("programs").where("id", "in", usersSubquery); // pagination with offset and limit"*").from("orders").offset(0).limit(50); // and many more chainable where options are possible // docs @
Join Queries
// inner join knex("users") .join("orders", "", "=", "orders.user_id") .select("*") .where("users.is_deleted", false); // inner join with cb fn and orderby knex .select("*") .from("users") .join("programs", function () { this.on("", "=", "users.program_id").orOn( "programs.owner_id", "=", "" ); }) .orderBy("users.full_name", "asc") .limit(10); // inner join with multiple join conditions knex .select("*") .from("users") .join("programs", function () { this.on(function () { this.on("", "=", "users.program_id"); this.orOn("programs.owner_id", "=", ""); }); }); // leftjoin knex .select("*") .from("users") .leftJoin("programs", "", "programs.user_id"); //rightJoin knex .select("*") .from("users") .rightJoin("programs", "", "programs.user_id"); // rightOuterJoin, fullOuterJoin, crossJoin is also can be used in same way // docs @
Insert, Update and Delete Queries
// insert knex("users").insert({ full_name: "Test User", email: "" }); // multi row insert knex("users").insert([ { full_name: "Test User1", email: "" }, { full_name: "Test User2", email: "" }, { full_name: "Test User3", email: "" }, ]); // update knex("orders").where("id", 7823).update({ status: "archived", }); // delete knex("orders").where("is_deleted", true).del(); // count rows knex("programs").count("active"); // like this you can user .min, .max, .sum etc
const trx = await knex.transaction(); try { const ids = await trx.insert({ name: "test role 1" }, "id").into("roles"); const programs = [ { title: "test program 1", role_id: ids[0] }, { title: "test program 2", role_id: ids[0] }, { title: "test program 3", role_id: ids[0] }, ]; await knex("programs").insert(programs).transacting(trx); await trx.commit(); } catch (error) { await trx.rollback(); }
Knex.js also provides methods and CLI for migrations and Schema handling, please check the knex.js docs @ and